Watch: 8 Scariest Archaeological Discoveries

3: The Alien Skulls of Mexico

Residents of the small Mexican village of Onavas stumbled upon a shocking discovery while building an irrigation canal. What they found was an ancient burial site, referred to as El Cementerio, containing 25 skeletal remains. The most shocking part was that 13 of the skeletons had abnormally long skulls, unlike any known species on our planet. Five were found with mutilated teeth. The freakish discovery led to early speculations that the bodies were those of extraterrestrial beings, similar to the ones seen in Ridley Scott's popular Alien film series. However, researchers were quick to suggest that the skulls were the result of intentional cranial reshaping. Several ancient Central American cultures had a tradition of forcing their heads into strange shapes. This was done by placing enormous pressure on their skulls since early childhood, for example by using tightly bound cloths or wooden boards
2: The Graveyard of Giant Wombats Wombats might be seen as cute and comical animals, but you might think differently if you come across one that's rhino-sized. In 2012, scientists in Australia unveiled the largest graveyard ever found of enormous ancient mega-wombats called diprotodon. There were around 50 diprotodon remains found, estimated to have weighed an average 2.8 tons each, making them the largest known marsupials to roam the planet. One of the largest and most well preserved specimens was named "Kenny", with a massive 28-inch long jawbone. The creatures are described as pidgeon-toed, and had big kangaroo-like pouches large enough to fit an adult human. The grave is part of a larger fossil deposit in the remote outback of Australia's Queensland state. It is described as a goldmine
1: Giant Humans Genesis chapter 6 tells us, "There were giants in the earth in those days, and afterwards". This verse refers to the Nephilim, a giant race of men who according to the bible, were perished by the Great Flood. Scriptural writings of other religions also include similar tales of giant people who once walked the Earth. Enthusiastic believers advocate that these stories are true, and in recent years many stories of archeological findings of giant men have appeared on the internet. The most famous of these was the story about a giant human skeleton uncovered in the desert during gas exploration in Saudi Arabia. Pictures were included, linked with the Islamic story of the Prophet Hud and the powerful giant tribe of Ad. Similar pictures and stories of biblical giants can be found, such as the alleged discovery of giants by archeologists in Greece. However, none of these claims have been proven, and the scientific community regards them as mere hoax stories accompanied with photo-shopped images. There are however, some real findings of ancient giants, although nowhere as dramatic as the aforementioned stories. In 1890, French anthropologist Georges Vacher de Lapouge found three bone fragments of a human leg in France. The height of the individual - popularly referred to as the "Giant of Castelnau" - is estimated to have been around 3.5 meters (11 ft 6 in). Studies showed that those bones dated back to the Neolithic period, and according to experts either represented a "very tall race" or were the result of "morbid growth."

YouTube: They Will Kill You

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