LOST WORLD SECRETS Amazing discovery of 7,500-year-old temple city in Kuwait could change the way we think about human civilisation forever

 Archaeologists working on the Bahra 1 site on the north coast of Kuwait Bay
SOPHISTICATED human civilisation may have started further back in time than previously thought after a 7,500-year-old temple city was uncovered.
Archaeologists working at site in Kuwait have discovered a new temple and public plaza that suggest an advanced society.

The Ubaid civilisation — of which little is known — were the first agricultural settlers to move into the region which would later become Sumer in the southernmost region of ancient Mesopotamia.
The ancient culture is characterised by large village settlements, with sophisticated irrigation techniques and the appearance of the first temples.

Headed by Professor Piotr Bielinski of the Polish Centre of Mediterranean Archaeology (PCMA) at the University of Warsaw, the dig also included the Kuwaiti archaeologists Sultan al-Duweish and Hamid al-Mutairi.
Professor Bielinski said: "Indications suggest that it was a building with a cultic (religious) function and it combines elements of the Ubaid culture."
 The archaeological site seen from the air... it is thought that this is just a small part of a large city

 Map of sites of the Ubaid culture
 Among ceramics there are many painted vessels typical of Ubaid culture imported from Mesopotamia, such as this turtle vase
 Strange ceramic cones have been found although their purpose is not quite certain
 Arabian Coarse Ware ceramics have retained braiding impressions

 These tubular beads which are made from shells were found

 Decoration painted on Ubaid ceramics show geometric shapes
Further research may prove the buildings are the oldest of its kind — not only in Kuwait but also in the whole Persian Gulf region and even the whole world.
A large space between the buildings was also reported, something Mr Bielinski identified as "a plaza or village square" and "indicates town planning, which is very surprising at a site with such an early date".
Furthermore, at least ten other structures and 16,000 pottery fragments were discovered.
 A few flint arrowheads were found on the site
Bahra 1 is the largest Ubaid settlement found on the Arabian Peninsula.
It is believed that the mysterious culture led to the creation of the region's first cities and boasted a complex social structure, which is still being researched by archaeologists.

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