Man proposes to girlfriend when he meant to propose to someone else at work

A man who wanted to break up with his girlfriend ended up accidentally proposing to her with the ring he had intended to give to a work colleague he’d been secretly seeing.

Christmas might be the most wonderful time of the year but for Reddit user aptly named Propermistakeregret, it was a nightmare.

And yes, there was alcohol involved.

It’s happened to all of us at some point, right?

He shared the glorious story with fellow Redditors and how much he regretted it. Oddly enough, no one had the tiniest bit of sympathy.

‘I’m seeing someone else, wanted to break up with her. I bought the ring for a work colleague, wasn’t planning to propose until the holiday we planned,’ he wrote.

‘During New Year’s Eve, I proposed to my girlfriend. It’s been posted on my friend’s Snapchat, my girlfriend’s Facebook page, everywhere.’

‘I saw people proposing so I wanted to go with the flow and proposed to my girlfriend whilst partially pissed. Can I get the ring back and cancel the engagement please?’

Looking for legal advice, the poster wanted to know if there were legitimate ways for him to get the ring back. But unfortunately, as the law experts on Reddit explained, it wouldn’t be possible unless perhaps the ring cost a fortune and he was able to show that he was so intoxicated that he lacked legal capacity to offer a gift.

After a few unforgiving comments from users including pleas for the poster to and see a therapist, he posted an update; he is now marrying his original girlfriend.

‘I’ve had a long and hard think to myself, I decided to hand in my four-week notice to my boss and start afresh.

‘I think it’s best my girlfriend doesn’t find out about the affair I’ve been having so I’ve spoken to my colleague and told her I’m not going on holiday with her and I’ve ended it with her.

‘I’ve known my girlfriend longer and my mum gave me a call saying she’s happy and she’s always wanted grandchildren and whatnot so I didn’t want to disappoint my mum. I’m going to marry my girlfriend.’

He revealed that his girlfriend has started planning the wedding on her Macbook and he doesn’t want to interrupt or upset her.

‘I think it’s the right thing to do,’ he added. ‘Just worried that my colleague will somehow get a hold of my girlfriend and tell her about the times we’ve slept together. That’s my final decision and I think I’ll stick to that.

Let’s hope the girlfriend doesn’t peruse through Reddit while making her plans then.

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